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Enkindle: A Cohort on Community Accountability

Conversations around restorative and transformative justice and community accountability have grown over the last few years, particularly as our country reckons with the long-existing distrust in systems due to harm caused to many communities, over many generations.  Only 15% of survivors seek a helping professional to process the sexual violence they experienced.  Even less, 9%, report what they experienced to law enforcement. Less than 1% of those reported cases ever see a conviction.  It’s clear we need additional options.  TAASA’s BIPOC-led Collective Healing Initiative, Aspiring Allies group,  and VOICES are excited to explore these options together.

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Join us in learning and unlearning

We invite our communities to join us in exploring community accountability and growing together in thinking and practice.  In this circle, we will look at concepts and ideas we need to learn and unlearn as well as skills and tools we need to develop to build up community responses for when harm occurs and bravely and creatively expand options for survivors.  


Cohort Structure:

  • We are welcoming up to 20 people to participate in our cohort.  

  • We are intentionally exploring skills, concepts, and strategies independent of the criminal legal systems.

  • We will have little to no expectations for readings or viewings between circles.  The time between circles will be dedicated to reflection and observation.  

  • The cohort will meet around twice a month for a total of 12 times between March and September, with a brief break during June and July. 

  • Attendance is crucial and we ask that you make the commitment to prioritize attendance, understanding that extenuating circumstances will arise.  

  • Cohort members should approach our meetings with openness and curiosity,  expect that the discussions may challenge long-held beliefs and practices, and be prepared to sit through the discomfort. 

  • For anyone who joins later, we do ask that you commit to completing a late-boarding process.

Interested in Joining?

Information sessions were held on 2/16 and 2/18. For those unable to attend, we ask that you view the recording of the session below (28 mins) and the accompanying presentation slides here to get a better feel for:

  • Expectations of participants in the virtual learning cohort as well as intentions for the space itself

  • Where we're starting, and where we hope to journey

  • Why "community accountability" and some working definitions of what this means for our learning circle

Once you have viewed or listened to the recorded information session and are excited about joining in on the conversation, please fill out our Enkindle: a Cohort on Community Accountability interest form here. If for any reason the link won't open if you click, copy and paste this link into your browser:

We hope to get to know you better on the form and ask that you put your preference for when is best for you to join! Please fill this out by Monday, February 28th, 2022.

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