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Erika Casasola

Beto De Leon es un herbolarie Lipan Apache / Huachichil 2Spirit e investigadore de alimentos tradicionales con sede en San Antonio, TX. Originarios de la costa rural del Golfo, se conectaron con la herboristería tradicional y la ecología sostenible a través del deseo de proteger los humedales en los que crecieron.  Beto ha pasado los últimos 12 años como organizadore comunitario en San Antonio con un enfoque en la justicia ambiental, la agricultura tradicional y la protección de nuestras fuentes de agua naturales.  Su aprendizaje sobre plantas, alimentos y hierbas ha abarcado más de 20 años de estudio, incluido su papel como Coordinador de Justicia Ambiental en Southwest Workers Union. Han presentado sobre las formas de comida indígena del delta del Río Grande en el Simposio de Alimentos Nativos de 2015 y se graduaron en 2018 de un Curso de Diseño de Comunidades Indígenas Sostenibles en Tesuque Pueblo, Nuevo México. También es miembro organizador y cofundador del colectivo SanArte Healing and Cultura Clinic en San Antonio. El enfoque de Beto es continuar las ecologías queering y afirmar los roles tradicionales y el liderazgo de las personas de 2Spirit en sus comunidades familiares y tradicionales. Sus pronombres son Ellos / Ellos.

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In times when we loose ourselves within our thoughts, concerns, shame, sadness, pain even within our moments of joy; take the time to explore the stories you hold in your heart. Look deep. Listen closely. Inside you will find your voice, your energy, your true marvelous self; they all make up the magic of your intuition, your ancestors. When you find them, trust they will guide you in your journey to the truth of your powerful voice. Bring your voice forth and savor the fruits of becoming one with self.

-Erika Casasola

Tips for Keeping High Vibrations


Best Practices for sustaining clear and peaceful and clear energy in your space.


After a long day, our bodies can collect the energies of all those around us, weighing down our physical body, our sprit, and our energy. The energy weighing you down affects the frequency of every thing you do and it can result in physical pain, bothered sleep, lethargic energy, possible unpleasant moods or other things. Our goal is to have a high frequency so we can feed our spirits, our bodies, our hearts, feed the ones we love with positive vibes and more. Here are a few simple steps to follow to protect your energy and maximize your frequency. Commit to yourself the practice of cleaning your space. 


1. Place a piece of Selenite on every door frame inside your space, that leads to the outside. If you want to go a step further you can place a piece on every door way. 


2. Before cooking, laying down, or even sitting to talk with family or friends, remove all clothing from the day, to include socks, undergarments, jewelry, shoes etc. Cleans them by either airing them outside in the sun or wash them using your method. 


3. Before putting on some clean clothes, take a moment to interact with water. If possible, wash your face, hands, do a little sponge bath, or take a shower. 


4. Like Zebras, Antelope and other animals who shake naturally to release stress, shake your body from head to toe, from finger to finger, and from the inside out a few times, letting all your joints, muscles get loose. Even shake your smile, your face, your stomach.


5. Take three to four deep breaths. Inhaling peace and exhaling to release. To help with this, I like to pick a color I like and imagine I am inhaling it into my body and filling it with the pretty color, then I exhale the color that symbolizes the weight. (My wife imagines water coming into her body because she loves water.)


6. Now watch and feel your beautiful energy be recharge.  If you are up for it, share your energy and this best practices with others. 

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