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Tea Pot

Tea Time

As avid activists for justice against sexual violence, we acknowledge the need for spaces that nurture relaxation and decompression. That is why the Collective Healing Initiative is excited to announce the relaunch of Tea Time, a space originally started in 2018.


Tea Time is a curated space that is dedicated to foster discussion, build relationships, and provide an environment that values self-care in the midst of the emotionally laborious work being done.


Once a month, the Collective Healing Initiative will offer up this space as an informal, come-and-go gathering for participants.  Coloring pages, relaxation strategies, and time to share stories, concerns, and/or joys will be provided in this space. Staff from the Collective Healing Initiative will be present for facilitation and support, but the environment and direction of the conversations will flow based on the energy of those participating.


Check the Upcoming Events page to see when the next Tea Time is!

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