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Virginia Wittebort

Virginia Wittebort is a healer who was born in Venezuela. A Midwife, an Herbalist, and a Breathwork facilitator. She is blending her passions to support people transform their lives. The vision she holds for her clients is for them to open their hearts and fully embrace their human experience to achieve their health, emotional, and spiritual healing with the use of therapeutic Breathwork, ceremony and plant allies.

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The Healing Power of Breathwork During Postpartum

Virginia Wittebort

A Midwife Prayer for the Cuarentena

A short Story

She just manifested life into creation. She Dio a Luz. Mother and baby’s sacred contract opened
the vortex to the place where the breath of life comes from at the beginning of life and where it
goes to at the end of life. Mother is holding her newborn gently close to her chest and awaiting
the moment the little one finds the nourishing golden liquid flowing through her breast. Her
entire body shakes from the inside out. As she lets go of her placenta and blood accompanies it,
coldness in her body moves her to bring her baby into a cocoon in her cozy blanket. The light of
candles gives the Partera enough vision for what she needs to see, but mostly her intuition
keeps her in tune with the darkness of the room. The baby is quiet and alert, he is fixated to
gaze his mother. The depth of their connection awakens a cosmic hug that bonds, among many
things, their nervous systems to one another’s. Together, they start the magical journey of
regulating each other’s systems earthside. A new version of this person is born as she finds
herself sighing in sweet relief to be a gateway to calmness. The intensity of using her strength
to help her baby travel through her birth canal has ended, and now parent and baby settle into
the newness of their shared experience. Baby’s first breath of life is followed by desynchronized
breaths that keeps his little body oxygenated. Soon, mama and baby are nourishing
themselves, baby at the breast, suckling milk and mama sipping on warming soup full of
nutrient dense deliciousness. Exhausted, they fall sleep. They go through the hours of
childbirth honeymoon; they enjoy a deep renewing co-sleep. She dreams of her ancestors
teaching her to connect to the Guardian Angel of her child. This guardian will be her ally for the
rest of her baby’s life.

The next two weeks are a tough in their bodies. It is challenging to learn how to nurse and
nourish each other, yet a safe feeling of protection keeps them calmed as their room has
become the sacred container of their togetherness. Mama moves slowly and gently while
touching her baby, reminding him that life is safe and worth living. He melts on her chest after
the rigorous exercise of suckling the living liquid from her breast. The still open vortex keeps
them both in a dreamy stage, making it hard for mother to place her attention in the mundane
of modern life. The dreaminess reminds mama of her devotion to the tasks on hand: feed and
hydrate herself, nurse baby, sleep, and repeat. Her family and partner are the gate keepers of
the blessed chamber that has been created allowing in only nourishing energies. Mama and
baby are guarded from loud sounds, cold drafts, Wi-Fi waves, and all the distractions of modern
life. By now her blood has fully stopped flowing, yet her breast will continue to flow for many
moons. The baby is now suckling on healed nipples as the sourness of perseverance has
passed. Mama will keep wearing her Manta to keep warmth on her kidneys and lungs and soft
socks are covering her feet. While her baby is skin to skin on her chest, he makes the cutest
newborn sounds and cries when hunger triggers his voice. The little one is learning the cues of
serenity directly from his mother’s facial expressions and inversely, the baby cues back the
calmness to his mom. After a few weeks of this beautiful bonding process, parent and baby
start adventuring into the rest of the house, the gardens, and community paths outside. By now
they are ready and nourished enough to face other experiences. The community keeps flowing
with grace at their door bringing broth and teas that soon become nourishment for Mama’s
soul. Baby and mother are held in reverence and respected by all. Family and community

understand the intimacy that is required to fully heal from this monumental rite of passage.
They know their strength as a community starts at birth. The know the givers of life are sacred
and hold them in high regards. The Midwife has visited several times, checking on mama’s
needs and baby’s growth. As all is well and the challenges were faced with grace, la Partera
now offers them a ritual for closing her Cuarentena. Together, Mama, partner, baby, and
Partera close the reminder of the vortex of life that had kept them so intimately connected to
their ancestors. Mama gets wrap with the spirits of the rebozos. The prayer of the Cuarentena
is done.

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