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About Us

The Collective Healing Initiative (CHI) is a learning project that fosters a network dedicated to the wellness and healing of Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color. By prioritizing culturally-affirming practices, we hope to support the important work of healing from complex and historical trauma, including sexual violence.

Helping Hands

We created this initiative in 2018 under the name “Groundswell”.  We renamed ourselves the Collective Healing Initiative in 2019 and have since grown to include projects and programs such as the Community Healing Series, the Healer Anthology,  and Tea Time​. ​

This website is a place to find programs, resources, and events that may best serve healers, individuals who are looking for culturally grounded forms of healing, and activists who work for justice against sexual violence.

Image by Andy Montes de Oca

We Believe

  • In moving at the speed of trust

  • In cultivating spaces for the healing power of connection

  • In the wisdom and practices of our ancestors

  • That healing is political  

  • That grassroots organizations and collectives can drive community healing and wellness

  • That not everything is for everybody

  • That healing isn’t a simple step by step process

  • That harm experienced by entire communities should be healed in communal spaces

  • In honoring the origins and purpose of healing modalities and to share/carry them in a good way

Meet the Team


Amelia Romo Olivas

Learning and Evaluation Specialist

She/ her/ hers

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Denise Loya

Access and Inclusion Manager

She/ her/ ella

Bilingual English/ Spanish

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Courtney Kawa

Communications Manager

She/ her/ hers


Karen Limón

Data Analyst

She/ her/ ella

Bilingual English/ Spanish


Shelli Collins

Program Support Specialist

She/ her/ hers


Virginia Rueda

Director of Program Support and Training

She/ her/ ella

Bilingual English/ Spanish

We would also like to acknowledge and extend our gratitude to former members of the Collective Healing Initiative. Their contributions continue to be vital in reaching our mission and goals.

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Amanda Lewis

Statewide Community Organizer

She/ her/ hers


Brittany Clay

She/ her/ hers


Alexis Hinojosa​

Primary Prevention Specialist

She/ her/ hers


Jessica Moreno

She/ her/ hers


Maya Pilgrim

Director of Learning and Evaluation

She/ they/ ella

Bilingual English/ Spanish


Redeem Francis

Summer Intern 2021

She/ her/ hers

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